Thursday, June 07, 2007


Now, you may be thinking...what the heck is cornhole? That does not sound too polite. Well, it is a beanbag toss game. You toss the bags (which are stuffed with cornfeed) into a hole, kind of like horseshoes. Check out the official site .

Anyway, for Christmas, Chrissy's dad made us a set. It is pretty sweet. Chrissy's goal is VT, and mine is reffing. He did a great job! A couple weeks ago, Chrissy and I sewed and stuffed the bags. Check them out below.
Here I am during the first practice throws.
Here are a couple action shots from the first official games at a neighborhood gathering. The game was a hit! We even brought out a spotlight to play when it got dark out.

It has been played a few times now, and will be a regular neighborhood game over the summer months!