Saturday, February 24, 2007

The Evolution of a Nursery...

Here is the long awaited (by some) debut of the Cletus' (or Cletessa's) nursery! He/she is almost here and yes the room is ready and prepared.

This is the bedroom (an upstairs guest bedroom) before the painting started. Some taping of the door frame and floor board can be seen. Here is the room almost completely painted. The color is Antique White, which is an off-white color. The light in the ceiling light eventually was replaced by a fan.
After the room was painted, we taped it off to add shadow stripes.
And here are the walls with the shadow stripes, which are much more apparent in person than in the photo.
After the shadow stripes were laid down by Chrissy, she added by hand a chocolate ribbon loopty-loop all around the room.
After the ceiling light was taken down, I had to paint around the whole to prepare for the ceiling fan installation.
The painting has been completed...and now it is time to put together the crib. Gotta read the instructions carefully to it does not fall apart!
Putting in the last screws.
Voila! The crib is complete!
And here is the finished nursery, all ready for its resident!
Chrissy hand painted this saying on the wall over the crib.
Here is the nursery lookikng towards the window. A closet is on the right.
From a different angle.
A dresser/changing table.
Looking away from the window at the other dresser and the crib. Raggedy Anne and Andy are on the bench in the corner.
The entry door and ceiling fan.
Another picture towards the window.

So there it is...the nursery. Now we just have to fill it!
Thanks to you all who contributed to it in one manner or another!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sad to say, I could probably fit in that crib. Looks comfy.

Awesome job on the room, looks bada$$.