Wednesday, December 17, 2008


A couple weeks ago, I went to a local (as in a high school gym) wrestling event. The main event was Ric Flair's sons vs. The Nasty Boys (with the Mouth of the South Jimmy Hart) AND Hulk Hogan as the special guest referee! When I heard Hogan was going to be there, I knew I had to be there. I am a HULKAMANIAC after all!!!

Here are a few pics from the event!

A blast from the past...The Midnight Express (Beautiful Bobby Eaton and Sweet Stan Lane) vs. the Rock & Roll Express!

The Nature Boy managing his sons.
The finish...Figure 4's all around!!!

Flair and Hogan hug it out after the match.

My favorite picture of the night...WHATCHA GONNA DO????

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


This is awesome!

Thursday, November 06, 2008


That was my truck's odometer when I pulled out of my garage this morning. I thought that was pretty cool.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008


It always feels good to instant sense of pride! Blessed we are to be Americans.

It felt even better to be in and out of my polling place in 7 minutes :-)

Friday, October 17, 2008

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Backyard Wildlife

Here are some shots from some recent wildlife spottings in our backyard.

We frequently get deer, which are nice to look at, but they are terrors on our garden. We can not use enough of this to keep them away from our tomatoes and other veggies. They also pretty much destroyed our Annabelle Hydrangeas.

The pics below are from July 11. This momma and her fawn wandered in our neighbor's backyard and our backyard.

The big momma...we saw her a week or so before this, and she was bigger. I assume the fawn was not born yet.
Li'l Bambi...

Bambi had better stay out of that garden if she know's what is good for her!

Where did momma go?

This is an Eastern King Snake I saw while making trips back and forth from the grill last weekend. It was at the foot of our deck steps. Thankfully, it never made a move at me, or I would have had to go all "Crocodile Hunter" on it.

Actually, I would have ran inside screaming like Annabelle.

It eventually went away when we were eating inside. Where is it now? Hopefully not in the house.

And lastly, the wildest of the wildlife...

This is from July 11 as well.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Monday, March 03, 2008


Help! I am stuck in the washer. This is why I have not been able to post since December 15th!