We frequently get deer, which are nice to look at, but they are terrors on our garden. We can not use enough of this to keep them away from our tomatoes and other veggies. They also pretty much destroyed our Annabelle Hydrangeas.
The pics below are from July 11. This momma and her fawn wandered in our neighbor's backyard and our backyard.
The big momma...we saw her a week or so before this, and she was bigger. I assume the fawn was not born yet.
Li'l Bambi...
Bambi had better stay out of that garden if she know's what is good for her!
Where did momma go?
This is an Eastern King Snake I saw while making trips back and forth from the grill last weekend. It was at the foot of our deck steps. Thankfully, it never made a move at me, or I would have had to go all "Crocodile Hunter" on it.
Did you fire six shots or only five? Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement I kind of lost track myself. But being the it killer, the most powerful it killer in the world, and would blow anything clean away, you've got to ask yourself one question: Do you feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?
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