A couple weeks ago, I went to a local (as in a high school gym) wrestling event. The main event was Ric Flair's sons vs. The Nasty Boys (with the Mouth of the South Jimmy Hart) AND Hulk Hogan as the special guest referee! When I heard Hogan was going to be there, I knew I had to be there. I am a HULKAMANIAC after all!!!
Here are a few pics from the event!
A blast from the past...The Midnight Express (Beautiful Bobby Eaton and Sweet Stan Lane) vs. the Rock & Roll Express!
The Nature Boy managing his sons.
The finish...Figure 4's all around!!!
Flair and Hogan hug it out after the match.
My favorite picture of the night...WHATCHA GONNA DO????
That's awesome. How come you didn't but into the ring? -PB
too cool. Shoulda bloodied up Ricks hair for old times sake.WOOO!!
They weren't ready for the WRATH OF FATH, so I decided to stay in my seat.
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